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The Dean Goods "new Build" Project has been created with the aim to build a new member of the Dean Goods class which will run on preserved Railways around the united Kingdom.
We are hoping to be able to build the locomotive within a reasonable timescale depending on how quickly the funds flow into the pot,
We think it is Better to make a New Locomotive as apposed to restoring 2516 as the aim is to have a regular use loco rather than running a valuable Museum Piece. 
we are also going to try and do some of the work ourselves to keep costs to a minium and the bits we cant do ourselves will be contracted out to contractors.

There is an increasing shortage of first class steam locomotives of small and medium size and capacity available for use on Heritage railways. Most small to medium sized locomotives are over 60 years old with all of the associated problems. In addition many of the preserved industrial-type locomotives are either too small or do not have the capacity or water capacity to cope with longer, heavier, trains. We intend to try and address any problems.

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